A THREAD: On #PredictiveProgramming & #GalacticCodex. Watch all the videos in this thread. #GalacticCodex requires the evil forces to tell everyone in advance what will happen. Then, our silence becomes #Consent. Here is a Simpsons video talking about the #CoronaVirus #HOAX
Remember all the people early on in this #ScamDemic that were stuck for a while on #CruiseShips? The Simpsons #PredictiveProgramming lines up nicely with that.
Watch the compilation of these Simpsons scenes. #Burn #Loot #Riot #MurderHornets #ReleaseTheCures
Oh look, the Simpsons talk about #FEMACamps. #GalacticCodex AKA #PredictiveProgramming #AreYouAwakeYet?
Do you remember when the Simpsons told us #Reptilians were #ElectedOfficials? #GalacticCodex requires [them] to tell us these things. Our Silence then becomes Consent to what they’re doing to us.
Remember when the Simpsons told everyone: “all I really needed was the blood of a young boy” to stay young? #Adrenochrome #Illuminati #TheMoreYouKnow #AreYouAwakeYet?
Did you see this Simpsons episode? The one where they drink the blood of Homer? #PredictiveProgramming #GalacticCodex #TheMoreYouKnow
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