There's something really fucked up happening with the story of Cannon Hinnant, the 5 year old who was shot riding his bike, people are asking WHERE'S HIS PROTESTS and DOES HIS LIFE MATTER? When his murderer was literally taken into custody less than 24 hours later.
His murder was absolutely tragic and senseless and his murderer should face the harshest possible punishment, but the weaponization of his murder to try to discredit the BLM protests is whack as shit, his murderer got arrested immediately, killer cops don't. That's the point.
And keeping it a buck, if the murderer was a white dude I doubt this would even make it past the 5:00 news, but conservatives see a Black man and start licking their lips because it's revenge racism time, it's literally so fucked up dude I can't even put it into words.
This is the kind of shit i'm talking about, it's a senseless, terrible crime but it's random. It's not a civil servant, the killer didn't escape justice, what more needs to be said about it?
And if the problem is "the news isn't covering it!!!" First off, they are, second of all, why do they need to cover it? I'm not saying this kid doesn't deserve justice, but random murders happen literally every single day
Sorry for the rant, this shit has just been bothering me cause all the right wing locals from my town have it all over my feed, RIP Cannon Hinnant, you didn't deserve to be the victim of just a senseless, terrible crime, and I hope the man who did it never sees the light of day
Also the last thing I want to say about this is that I don't mean you SHOULDN'T care about his murder, definitely keep his parents in your thoughts, donate to the gofundme set up for his family, but don't get sucked into these narratives trying to discredit legitimate movements.
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