i know plenty of thin people , even among my friends and family, who only ever eat greasy, salty, artificially sweetened, processed foods.....i'm a vegetarian, eat veggies every meal, don't drink sodas, walk on average 10K steps a day and work a physically active job. yet guess-
-who is CONSTANTLY being nagged with "health concerns" ? i assure you that my very skinny cousin who drinks 2L of coke (not the diet coke, the red one) a DAY and eats salty food all day long will get an ulcer or other health problems well before i do but no one says shit to her
this is not a call to start judging thin ppl's habits the same way you do with fat ppl...it's a call to stop commenting on whatever a person eats regardless of their weight unless you are a licensed nutritionist that was PAID by that specific person exchange for dietary advice
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