*deep sigh* okay. So. I want to take the time to address this article, my issue with it, and why I am no longer affiliated with @frontlinewmnDC . It really was not my interest to make this situation public but the article’s contents are dishonest and my work has been erased https://twitter.com/wcp/status/1293896369833414657
I want it to be clear that my issue is not with @wcp or @ellamfeld, though they need to be aware of how they cover stories about organizing and activism in the city and specifically how they cover Ward 8.
At the height of the protests, @MzAmaGirl reached out to me in DMs about doing some mutual aid, getting supplies to protestors, and overall getting involved. Things got off the ground and I thought it would be a good idea to invite @ebonitapplebum who included other women as well
As the three of us came together as co-leads, we each thought about our professional experience and passions and I became the Community Outreach Chair. That made the most sense given that our goal was to service Wards 4,7, & 8.
I live in Ward 8, have community ties, am an educator in the city, and have a literal MA in WGSS from GWU. It seemed clear that my position as the strategist and the one who helps us keep ourselves accountable to black feminism made the most sense.
As was named yesterday, I came to the group with the idea of doing grocery giveaways as supporting protestors wasn’t going to be sustainable, there were already resources going to those places, and the poorest parts of the city are experiencing a pandemic.
As we were a new organization and Core Group Members weren’t stepping up to help do outreach, I conducted the virtual giveaways *alone* from my house, from my computer.

There was no “team” facilitating Frontline Fridays and the process of distributing the cards is inaccurate
The article states that "The team looks through applications and prioritizes those with the most financial need." That is incorrect.
1. direct aid is not an "award." That language is elitist in and of itself as there is no merit attached to fucking groceries
2. The process was as follows:
- form opens up from morning to afternoon
- I went through and allocated funds based on *family size* which does not equal "financial need"
- I notified @/ebonitapplebum who had full and total control over FLWdc's finances to let her know the total
After the monies were sent to me, I processed instacart giftcards via an account I created on Instacart for the organization and individually emailed recipients for confirmations and troubleshooting.
Eventually, I was able to get support from other members with troubleshooting and confirming receipt, but I conducted the distribution on my own.

As far as in person giveaways go, I live up the street from the Giant on Alabama Ave, suggested the location, and initiated.
@/ebonitapplebum was present for the Congress Heights in-person giveaway but did not distribute cards for Columbia Heights. She was not there. For whatever reason, she came early and left.
Here is the data from each week's giveaways. 4 virtual were conducted. The top 1/2 that you see is Virtual. The bottom was in-person. 89 sign ups. I processed 89 sign ups, was able to feed 354 people. It took alot of time. It really hurt to see somebody else take credit for that.
Issue arose in the group as I consistently requested for other people to join the Outreach Committee and was struggling to find supporters. In addition, there were members who wanted to push initiatives that were not true to anti-capitalism, black feminism, or queer politics.
As the Outreach Chair, when I pushed back or gave gentle nudges that suggestions weren't true to our self-proclaimed, adopted politic, I was met with consistent passive aggression, talked over, and villainized primarily by @/ebonitapplebum in both co-lead and whole group meetings
Other co-leads worked hard to explain, tirelessly, but I was singled out consistently and was told that “lower middle class black DC residents” should be prioritized in the work. That is not the work I do.
Clearly, the sentiments in the article are inconsistent with the dissent I was met with in our planning conversations. When asked to center the native, black, queer women there was ardent push back
The article also states that a statement was written by multiple members the organization in support of black women and girls in DC. It was. I was slated to read/speak on our behalf at the 2nd Moechella. I did.
Here is the reading of the speech, complete with my adlibs, from my phone https://twitter.com/cocoaabrown/status/1274154373946490881?s=21 https://twitter.com/cocoaabrown/status/1274154373946490881
Branding, which was led by @/ebonitapplebum did not retweet or post that moment on FLWdc’s social media handles. (s/o to Tsahai and Farid doe!)
I became increasingly frustrated with everything and we attempted as co-leads to call @/ebonitapplebum in on multiple occasions to no avail
There were 4 co-leads. In the past few weeks, 3 of us have stepped down. Here is my email explaining why. It is consistent with the rest of the tweets in this thread
To be honest with y'all though, I'm mostly just sad that this happened. I truly have a heart for my people, am soufside til I die and thought I found a place to do the work that I was meant to do. I thought I created that space as a founder, and it turned out not to be true.
I thought that my own organizing space was safe and it wasn't. I thought other black women were safe, and they weren't. I felt blessed to be *from* SE, knowing how many of us don't have access, knowing that I did/do and truly just hoped I could do something to mitigate what I've
been watching happen to my section of the city all my life. It hurt to have to ride uptown for school everyday. It took an hour back and forth. It took a toll on me and so many Banneker kids from SE end up transferring. I just wanted *us* to have something too.
credit was also taken for community grants given to @AisforPooty_ and Braids, Beads, and Things. I was the creator and facilitator of community grants and Ashley Price is my sister. We raise our kids together and, she as a member of Ward 7 deserved better than this.
I did a lot of work in Ward 8 for @frontlinewmnDC. In addition to the things listed above, I *personally* dropped off snack bags and supplies to families in Condon Terrace. +
With other members set up a supply table at the Juneteenth Rally on MLK/The Big Chair, did a speech for UDC Black Law Association, and (now as a freelance organizer) set up relationships with the James Creek Residence Council to service families in SW ( @holdthis___ 😘😘)
+ who were affected by recent fires.

The work does not stop, you really do live and mf learn. You can catch me with @holdthis___ @MzAmaGirl @Merrumm @AisforPooty_ or @TheBlackLayers doing direct and mutual aid. Be on the lookout for a school supply drive down SW in a few weeks.
Thanks for y’all’s time. 💜

https://twitter.com/cocoaabrown/status/1279953772568068098?s=21 https://twitter.com/cocoaabrown/status/1279953772568068098
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