1. MacArthur is a fundamentalist/Evangelical, he is part of a theological tradition that has sought power thru wedding itself to Republicanism. Such statements reveal a very shallow understanding of politics and shows a lack of understanding regarding the Christian faith. https://twitter.com/brysonbradford/status/1294230431752232960
2. Christians are saved thru faith alone by grace alone & not according to how they vote. We are citizens in the Kingdom of God, sojourners, and as we sojourn thru the City of Man (St. Augustine’s language) we are to promote both light and human flourishing as best we can.
3. When we understand the complexity of politics as well as the fallenness of humanity itself, we understand that things aren’t as black & white as those who seek power thru faith want us to believe.

Human beings are profoundly inconsistent & this inconsistency impacts politics.
4. For example: A Republican can be ideologically pro-life while at the same time promote policies that raise the rate of abortion due to dismissing the poor. At same time, a Democrat can claim to be ideologically pro-choice but promote policies that actually lower abortion rate.
5. There are theological traditions that seek to use faith as a means of obtaining social power so they can win a mythological “culture war”. They will use theology to serve this mission. In truth, politics is complicated & voting to promote human flourishing isn’t black & white.
6. W/ that said, I’m on the leadership council of the @AndCampaign b/c I think they understand the complexity of these things & are faithfully seeking to educate Christians on political engagement beyond the black & white paradigms that have typically been used. Go follow them.😊
You can follow @KyleJamesHoward.
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