Some great data on the developing situation in Spain where cases have spiked but deaths are not following

Cases are even returning to the Milan area where I would not have expected

BTW, Spain is a big mask wearing country

This thread shows the exact same trend in other European countries

While there is more testing available now, that alone can’t explain this phenomenon

So why aren’t deaths occuring?

1) Covid mutated to less virulent strain
2) Doctors are much better at treating it
3) Mostly young people getting infected (keeping the old safe)
4) Better detection - catching cases earlier in disease progression

Maybe some combination of these
Thanks for the feedback

5) Vitamin D levels higher during summer
6) Viral load leading to infection might be smaller in the summer (maybe masks help in this way)
7) Mass detection of asymptomatics (large scale testing in factories)
8) serological cases added into totals
Mystery solved?
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