The Biden Harris ticket is the most conservative Democratic ticket since at least JFK.

This is a thread of receipts.

JFK wasn't good and this thread isn't redemptive in nature. It's illustrative.
I'm pulling receipts from the Democratic Party platform from this website
This is the 1960 Democratic platform.

3 years later, Sanders was arrested fighting against desegregation and for civil rights.

In 1975, Biden was defending segregation advocating for Separate but Equal policies.

Receipts in the following tweets.
Biden didn't just defend segregationists, he defended segregation.

15 years after the party committed to supporting any policies and actions necessary to ensure equality, Biden was STILL trying to protect racism.
Just a reminder that we've been fighting for the postal service since before the 1960s and the Democrats still haven't found a way way to pass legislation to protect it despite having complete control of the federal government
And while JFK campaigned for more unions and the ability to collectively bargain for labor rights, Biden has repeatedly supported policies that would make it harder for unions to negotiate.
While JFK was calling for relaxed immigration regulations, family reunification, and accepting more refugees... Biden headed in the opposite direction.
Let's look at how the Carter campaign talked about progressive policies using this link
Carter called for raising taxes on households over $100k.

Even Biden's tax proposals are more regressive than Carter's.
Here, the Democratic platform under Carter called for universal health care with mandatory coverage paid for by taxes. A sort of Medicare for All if you will.
Carter did not advocate for a minimum basic income but he did advocate for a cash transfer in lieu of separate welfare programs and he wanted to guarantee funding through federal appropriations.

Biden repeatedly supported cuts to welfare.
While I support decolonization, Carter is to the right of me by supporting Puerto Rico statehood.

Biden was too the right of Carter by implying that if they wanted statehood, they'd fight harder.
The Democratic Party platform under Carter called for the expansion of Social Security.

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