We are being played:

In the beginning infections were not cases.

Cases were only those admitted or requiring treatment. Folks who were asymptomatic or recovering w/o interventions were not "cases". http://a.msn.com/00/en-us/BB17X4Su?ocid=st
They love to use cumulative numbers to make their point.
This is so painfully stupid only a woke reporter or a politician wouldn't see it.

Cumulative is irrelevant to the present threat.
Even if you insist on the cumulative numbers, watch what happens when we stratify by age.

The overall rate of 137.6/100K is pulled up by the upper age groups.
At a rate of 695/100K over 85 and 451.4 over 75 treating these folks the same as the 0-4 group with cases at 12.9 is madness.

On what else would we treat my 80 year old mom and my 8 year old grandaugther the same?
But cumulative is baloney. All that matters is what is happening now and what to do next.
Remember flattening the curve so that we don't overwhelm the system?
How did we do?
Here is the weekly hospitalization rate.
The highest overall hospitalization rate was 10.1 per 100K. Week ending April 18th.
Last week it was 4.
That's a 60% reduction in the hospitalization rate.
The CDC has a section under COVID called Data Visulizations. Here is a screenshot of the page.
Let's go ahead a maginify that a little more so we can see whats's up.
The "Latest" were based on May 30th and June 20th.
6-10 weeks ago.
Convient how the last date on the mortality slide is April 18th. After that it was dropping. Why hide that?
We are winning and they won't tell us.
Why not?

"Indicators that track ILI and COVID-19-like illness (CLI) showed decreases nationally from week 30 to week 31, with decreasing or stable (change of ≤ 0.1%) levels in all regions of the country. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
Now let's add two pieces of information together.

"Nationally, the overall percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 decreased from 8.7% during week 30 to 7.8% during week 31. Decreases were seen in nearly all regions."
and this.

So, if the overall rate is still 9 after last weeks rate of 7.8 then it had been way higher. The infection rate, hospitalzation rate and mortality are all way down and in some cases below the seasonal flu.
The week of August 1st reported 2,877 deaths, down from around 17000 in the week of 4/11.

That's an 83% reduction in the raw death total.

Someone is doing something right.
Even within this 2,877:
58% were over 75 years old
21% were over 65
13% over 55

Fully 92% of the deaths that week were in people 55 and older.

Only 4 people under 24 that week.
That's 0.13%

Why are schools closed again?
COVID kills almost no-one.

"For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death."

This graph shows the "excess deaths" over what would have been expected in a normal year.
Notice that almost half of the total is taken up by the first 5 bars.
This has not been a national emergency. It's been very much a NE problem.
Same graph with the COVID-19 excluded.
See how the total at the top dropped to 27K from 160K.
Also notice that the states re-arrange without COVID-19.
To what do we attribute the additional 27K? To the lockdown?
I'm standing in a business with a guy the other day and he has hand sanitizer in a pump on the counter.
We were all wearing masks."
He says, "Try some, it smells like Tequila" it had been made by a distillery.
Sure enough, it did smell like Tequila.
Through my mask.
I'm not a scientist, but I'm pretty sure the viral particles are smaller than whatever was wafting up through my mask and into my nose. So if I can smell it, how much help is this mask on either keeping my droplets in, or yours out? None whatsoever.
And they all know this.
It's all theater isn't it?
So, in my view it's time for civil disobedience by not participating in the "new normal"

Normal is defined by "norms".

So live your life

Open your business

Drop the fake protection of the mask

Serve your customers and communities

Be a patriot and vote Trump!
You can follow @brianyourbro.
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