1/n The A level fiasco is absolutely heartbreaking to watch unfold. So if you have made it this far in your education, despite a system that’s meant to fail the underprivileged, you are more likely to have received a kick in the teeth by this Tory government. #alevel2020
3/n Let that sink in. What does this mean for a Sixth Form or college in a disadvantaged area? And how does this compare to a private school/college who is bound to have higher average exam centre result over the years? #AlevelResults #alevels2020
4/n And this three grade lock system that allows you to appeal your grades if they are lower than your mocks is not a solution. A) there is not enough info out there yet. B) students from disadvantaged backgrounds usually have lower predictions! #alevels2020
5/n Don’t even come at me with the option of re-taking exams In September! So after over 6 months of no study, students are expected to take exams in September and somehow this is fair? #alevelresults2020 #alevels2020
6/n Has this Tory government even considered the mental health of these young adults and how this entire a level fiasco is not only jeopardising their future, but also their well-being? I feel disgusted! #alevels2020
8/n Get onto #clearing to get yourself a uni place. I for one got my place through clearing. PS I have no A Levels either! Don’t let this rigged system tell you, you are not good enough! You are! #alevels2020
9/n I’m dreading next week’s #gcses2020 results. My daughter is one of those anxious kids awaiting the GCSE results!
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