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โ € โ € โ €
aka a thread that i can use to show off my friends and possibly encourage you all to dm them and becomes friends (and maybe even more wink wonk)
actually idk about that last one cause almost all my friends are either in love or strictly nsr nsa nd
โ€ข chloe reiko tenise ( @IaIaIost)
- platonic loml and my tiny
apple mango
- she'll either make fun of you or
cuddle you there's no in
- taken by miguel (he's also
very very nice)
- say a bad word about her and
- be her friend or perish
โ€ข haruki yama feiji domingo
( @chiccenstreeps)
- has a fc crisis every other day
- my mfing SON and LOML
- i would do anything for him
- hurt him and i break your
spinal chords and shove it up
your ass
- single ;))
- be his friend
โ€ข clarence achi ( @ACHIGINISA)
- we met like two days ago
- already clowns me everyday
- his nicknames are...creative
- he can be sweet tho
- but he's still a little butt
- on god, hurt him and your
kneecaps ๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ”ช
- so yeah be his friend, he's fun
to talk to
โ€ข alec harada hayashi ( @aIchrd)
- my tiny little bubblegum
- he's a bottom sub don't let him
lie to you
- he's very sweet and caring
- multi-talented ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿฅต
- i feel like a lot of my moots
know him idk
- his kneecaps are a 10/10
- befriend him now >:((
You can follow @FLEXINGJAE.
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