It’s no secret that feminine care and feminine hygiene is not only a delicate process but an important one.

So, we’re here to make it a little easier for you.

First things first - how should you actually clean your vagina and vulva? 🧐
1. Do you really need to wash your vagina?

No, but you do need to wash your vulva.

Let’s recap some basic anatomy. The vagina is the inner canal inside your body.
The term “vulva” refers to the outer parts around the vagina, such as the:

clitoral hood
inner and outer labia (vaginal lips)
While you shouldn’t wash inside your vagina, it’s a good idea to wash your vulva.
Washing the vagina can lead to many problems. You might have heard that the vagina is like a self-cleaning oven — a pretty accurate metaphor.

Washing your vagina can also affect your vagina’s ability to clean itself. So if you want a clean vagina, leave it alone to clean itself
2. How do you wash your vulva?
Be safe and we’ll be back next week for some more feminine fun care!
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