Decided to jump on #ThisLittleLight challenge because the book is rich with truth and so beautifully written.
It’s simply too good and I think everyone should read it.
Download it here - 

Issa thread. Please Read & RT 🙏🏾
I particularly like this piece because it addresses something I consider one of the biggest issues in the faith; one that raises questions in the minds of so many believers and ‘ex-believers’ - The gross misrepresentation of God. #ThisLittleLight
We think God is some guy who was angry and rash in the Old Testament but underwent anger mgt in the New.
We think God is a dastardly dictator.
We think God kills and destroys.
We think He forces people through tough tests and trials to prove their mettle. Haq. #ThisLittleLight
But we see Jesus! God’s perfect will on two legs - never killed anyone, never inflicted pain on anyone.
Instead, He went about doing good, exposing evil and healing all that were oppressed by the devil.
In CHRIST, we see the CHARACTER of God perfectly revealed. #ThisLittleLight
Our God is LOVE and LIGHT
There is no darkness in Him
He is entirely good. Always and forever
He so wants all men saved, He set the bar low. All you have to do is believe.
The gospel is proof - saved by grace through faith ALONE. #ThisLittleLight
“Having destroyed the plots, plans and projections of the enemy, the captain of our salvation decided to take up residence in our hearts” #ThisLittleLight
God demonstrated His love for us in that He died for our sins, but He didn’t stop there. He decided to live in everyone who believes, empowering us to live for Him. #ThisLittleLight
“Na you kill Jesus?!”
Well, He died for me
The guiltless Lamb of God! He who knew no sin!
My guilt, shame and death. He took it all
“What was the reason?”
He loved me!
Behold the depth of love! We are now sons!
We are not in a long distance relationship with God. He’s nestled in our heart forever.
Now, He calls us to love EVERYONE, regardless of gender, tribe, sexuality, race.
We are love children of a love God. #ThisLittleLight
A personal fav!
The Gospel = God’s Pull 🎯 
This piece reiterates something profound for me - Salvation is ENTIRELY God’s work. #ThisLittleLight
Man had no hand in it. Man didn’t even know he needed saving.
Heck, he was drowned, dead and decayed in sin. #ThisLittleLight
But God! Our God! Who is rich in mercy and full of grace stepped in, forgave our sins, drafted us into His family, gave us His Spirit without measure.
Now, we have an assurance of eternal life! #ThisLittleLight
Friends, He tasted death for you and defeated death!
Like a man I dearly love said, “Death is dead!”
God publicly disgraced the enemy and made a mess of all his tricks, tools and tactics. #ThisLittleLight
The Father is still in the business of reconciling men, grafting them into Himself. An eternal union, NOTHING can put asunder.
When you are saved, you are saved forever. (John 3:16)
Yes, God did it!
Now we have to announce it! We evangelize.
This little light is not little AT ALL. #ThisLittleLight
A light that God Himself gives
A light that’s meant to light up the world
A light that is fierce and fiery
Yet meek and composed. #ThisLittleLight
A light by which we see
We are never in darkness
Never confused or confounded
Because of this light, we always have clarity and leading
Divine direction and supernatural navigation.
Like Peak, this light is in you
Dear believer, this light is God’s Spirit
Shine your light. The world needs it.
Shine #ThisLittleLight
Wells of Salvation. #ThisLittleLight
What is it about the water in this well that made Jesus take a detour so He could go through Samaria, send all His disciples to get food (that He didn’t eat eventually) just so He could speak to a woman at the well? #ThisLittleLight
What’s so special about this water that made Jesus stand in the middle of a feast and shout, “If anyone is thirsty let him come and drink”? #ThisLittleLight
This water is the water of life!
We were once thirsty and parched but the man in Christ has drunk of this well, and He will never be thirsty again.
I have a spring inside me now. I am fully supplied.
I am a well-watered garden - fresh, fruitful and flourishing. #ThisLittleLight
Here I was thinking I could stand my ground. I didn’t realize how quickly He swept me off my feet, it all happened in a breeze. #ThisLittleLight
He carted me away and with the way He did it, I knew even LIAM NEESON couldn’t save me. I was TAKEN for good. #ThisLittleLight
I looked up and saw a sign that read “No baggage beyond the veil!”
All the ruins, bruised and broken parts.
All the flaws, frailties and foibles.
The impudence and imperfections
He took everything. #ThisLittleLight
He didn’t leave me empty though. He filled me with His life, His love and His light.
Now I am who I am because of who He is in me.
A sweet exchange, if you ask me.
Omo. I love it here. #ThisLittleLight
Please download this book for free here - 

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