Maybe it's the tequila, but I just got a laughing fit when this husband said, "I don't know if this will go for a few more years, but, I'll support it, it's part of her identity now." as his wife walks around the house 5 hours a day with milk pumps attached to her body.
Kind of cowardly to put it all on his wife when he gave her this very creepy smirk when she asked if he had added her milk to the scrambled eggs.

And then, they both looked at each other and laughed like cartoon villains.

I'm borderline being mean right now, but this is...
This is the greatest thing I've ever watched (in the last 3 hours).
Oh no! 🙉

Muscle Dude: "If I'm going to grow and be the best that I can, I'm going to eat like a baby, I'm going to sleep like a baby. If drinking breast milk is part of that? Then that's an advantage I'm going to be taking!"

José don't be mean, José don't be mean, don't...
Seriously, in the age of Soylent, and protein powders, and whatever else is out there,like family value buckets of fried chicken, if you have a full beard and arm muscles bigger than a baby's head... you probably don't need breast milk for anything other than a fetish.
Which, don't get me wrong, if your fetish is to fill a bathtub with breastmilk and rose petals and rant about covid Madonna style, by all means, you do you, boo. But don't bullshit me and tell me it is for your muscles.
Hahaha, oh no, I'm being mean, or drunk. But, here I am, wondering if I missed whether or not this guy had mentioned whether or not his wife's milk that he was putting in his protein milkshakes was surplus, or if he was flat out taking his baby's milk for himself...
And the very next sentence he says, "But after my wife and I split up, that was very hard on me, and I also lost my supply of breast milk, and that was... tough."

Oh gosh, I wonder if they split because he was drinking all of his wife's breastmilk and left none for his kid.
Ewww, this cool scientist is talking about how some of the breast they bought online had bacterial concentration levels compared to that of sewer water. And some even had salmonella.

And some was flat out cow's milk/formula.
I'll stick with my oat milk! Nothing's makes you feel sillier than my daily morning oatmealception. And feeling silly is better than drinking sewer water.
OH NO! 🙈🙉🙊

"This is crazy. Have you ever met someone at a coffee shop hustling your boob juice?"

Boob juice lady looked so uncomfortable. She should have slapped him with a bag of her boob juice and left.

Am I imagining this show?
Seriously, who confuses this sleazebag with Captain America?

I hope she sold him actual sewer water.
The only non-weirdo getting excited about breast milk in this episode is the researcher explaining to us how amazing breast milk is FOR BABIES.

I didn't know breast milk helped transfer flavor profiles from the mom's diet to the baby! That's cool!
lol @ breast milk being high fat, high sugar, and low protein. I don't think "Captain America" dude will get the muscle gains he expects.
And, no, it's not lost to me that I'm being extremely judgmental of other people's diets while defrosting a package of impossible meat in my fridge. The plant based meat whose selling point is to bleed realistically when you cook it.

But still...
And the downer of the episode, there's not enough donor's breast milk for the babies that need it. So, there's no ethical way to justify an adult consuming it as a dietary supplement.
Instead they should visit my ex's house, they kind of hoard protein products of all kinds. The BBQ protein chips were not bad!

Sounds like I'm throwing shade, I'm not, first time I ever reached my protein goals! But, these products lack fiber, so I couldn't poop for a month.
Okay, this breast milk episode was a fucking wild ride. Should have been the season finale. I don't think anything can top this one, if I'm wrong, my brain may melt.
This thread will self-destruct when I wake up.
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