Excuse me. I'm sorry. You can all block me for being "problematic" another word for "speaking up" apparently. But I gotta say it. Doxxed? Full NAME on PUBLIC Twitter profile+ SS of comments on public fb posts? Do any of you know what doxxing is are you trying to sound outraged?
What private information was revealed? That his comments are disgusting and disturbing? It's not a secret.
Comments on public posts? It's not doxxing. Doxxing would be if someone was smart enough to keep those comments private. And IU is an idol not a fictional character.
Homeslice posted his nonsense publicly. Homeslice didn't like he got chewed out. So now he's trying to play the victim. CA. I couldn't care less abt CT rage and people aren't gonna take his lame excuse sitting down. Again IU is not a fictional character. https://twitter.com/Zzephyrsu/status/1293717814948192257?s=20
So any C/oti's wanna block me for being honest and calling out obvious BS like any decent person should that's fine because I'm a fake C/erith who rarely gets involved and I don't actually know who any of you are.
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