It is wild to me that (according to DR) the Danish R number is 1.4, and in certain cities (Aarhus) 2.2 and no one seems concerned about that? Anything above 1 is exponential. Does no one worry unless the state says to worry? This is infections in July.
I know the scale is smaller because it’s a country with roughly the population of south London. Maybe I’m missing the news coverage in translation? But it seems like there’s some vocab (like R number) folk here aren’t equipped with, bc challenging the state is not expected?
I’m not saying trust in the state is a good or bad thing (depends on the state). And perhaps it is well earned. Just seems like such a wildly different response to not equip yourself to hold the state to account for e.g. bad advise on masks, etc etc.
This thread brought to you by immigrant cultural dissonance.
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