We're going to talk about some shit. Why? Because I feel like it. Think of it as a vocab lesson because I'm sick of explaining shit to people so I'm going to just refer to this thread for future reference. Feel free to correct me through DMs of any misinformation.
1: Sex is a genetic determination of which there can be variations but stereotypically it's categorized in the binary of male and female (Remember those two words for later please). It is purely genetics based and can not be adjusted or changed in any way.
2: Gender on the other hand is based on a series of societal and psychological biases and is completely fluid. Gender is normally categorized as man or woman but enby and a ton of other variations exist.
3: Transgender is a term for people who feel as if the sex they were assigned to at birth is the opposite of their gender. There can be trans-masculine and trans-feminine existing on a scale from man to woman or outside the binary completely.
4: Transsexual is an outdated term used for post op transgender people. Some people still use it to describe themselves but I choose to call myself a Transgender woman.
5: Intersex is NOT BEING TRANS. They are totally different. I don't know if this is a good source but here is information on it from ISNA: https://isna.org/faq/what_is_intersex/
6: Pronouns are words that apply to the gender of a person, not the sex. Male and Female are not pronouns. Him, Her and They are though. My pronouns are She/Her.
7: TERF means Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist and is a word I do not like. It reminds me of the boring sport of golfing. They are basically Transphobes so I call them as such. Totally different than Radical Feminism.
8: Tranny is a word I do not like, this is the only time you'll see me spell it out along with TERF from here on out. It's a derogatory term for trans people, it is mostly targeted towards trans women and used mainly by biological men to harass and objectify trans people.
9: The LGBTQIA+ Community is a group of people who don't fit in the cishet (A Word I will get to next) Norms. There are plenty of comprehensive resources if you google it that explain the community as a whole.
10: cishet is a term that means cisgender heterosexual, basically people who's gender matches with their sex and are attracted to someone of the opposite gender than their own. I don't like it because it sounds more like a fishing tool than a category of people. I don't use it.
11: TiM and TiF are derogatory terms for trans people and since transphobes don't like the words TERF and Cis they should stop using them.
12: Racism is something I do not condone, from now on if I see it you're getting blocked. No if's, and's, but's or therefore's about it.
13: FGM is Female Genital Mutilation. A very harmful and very unethical process that can be explained with this article from the End FGM EU website but please inform yourself on this very relevant topic. https://www.endfgm.eu/female-genital-mutilation/what-is-fgm/
14 Any form of Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism or other bigotry will not be tolerated. I will post corrections to this thread if need be and add more information in the future. Have a nice day.
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