👋 Morning parents, our Be Internet Legends parents’ page is packed full of ideas for fun activities you can do with your child to help them brush up on their online safety skills.

Check it out → https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk/parents 
Help your child understand what’s OK to share online, and what to keep private, by creating some family ground rules. To get started, have a chat about why you might not want to share personal information – like your home address – online. #SummerOfLittleWins
Try playing detective with your child to help them learn about online safety. 🕵️‍♀️Visit websites and see if they’re secure. Does the address start with https? Is there a padlock next to it? Do the website name and address match? #SummerOfLittleWins
Encourage your child to keep their information safe online. 🔒Have a go at creating powerful passwords together. Make sure they’re at least eight characters and include numbers, symbols and capital letters! #SummerOfLittleWins
Teaching children to treat others as they would like to be treated helps them to be happier online explorers. 💚Together, practice writing positive messages and encourage your child to make their meaning crystal clear. 💎 #SummerOfLittleWins
Talking about internet safety helps the whole family be happier and healthier in the online world. 🌍Ask your child to make a list of the people they trust, so they know who to turn to for advice. #SummerOfLittleWins
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