I feel like I have Curious Cat for this, but why not: 1 like=1 unpopular opinion.
I dislike Trump. He's a manner-less, blowhard who has done nothing in his life but fail at business, ruin NYC, be a philanderer, and fail at accomplishing anything as president.
I hate the 2nd Amendment. I have nothing against gun ownership, but it is a statute that admits of rebellion, and I hate that.
Had their "church" not produced such vile fruits, I would likely still be an Anglican, and I find many of the early arguments in favor of the English Reformation persuasive. But clearly it had to be wrong.
I actually liked Code Geass.
Racemixing doesn't bother me, except in a few particular cases. Culture and religion is more important than race.
Most Jews are ignorant of the evils of their religion, know nothing of what the rich ones are doing, and deserve no contempt.
The Luminous Mysteries are a good thing.
Also, Vatican II has Magisterial authority, even if it has been badly interpreted.
Fate: Zero seems to be better than any version of Fate: Stay/Night.
Asians are no more or less attractive than most other races.
Pineapple on pizza is heresy.
Wives should be allowed to work.
Most trads are pathetic larpers who want to go back to the 1950's, an era defined by the Protestantism they claim to hate so much.
Franco and Salazar weren't fascists.
In theory, colleges and universities can be good places.
Pornography is bad, but proper art should be exempt from censorship.
Makeup, jewelry, and nice clothes are good things that women should enjoy.
Brad Dourif is an amazing actor, even if his most famous role isn't exactly high-brow.
For all the immorality present in them, the best rap and hip-hop are legitimate expressions of a certain culture and should be seen as art.
Go to Mass, I don't care how you are dressed.
Speaking of which, men who are so concerned about modesty need to remove the beam of lust from their eyes before they concern themselves about the mote in the eyes of others.
Latinization of the Eastern Rite was a good thing.
Arby's fries are the best. The rest of the menu is crap, but those are great.
The best mac & cheese starts with Velveeta.
Cats are better than dogs.
The best comic book movie is still The Crow.
Taylor Swift writes decent to good pop music.
28. I prefer cities to the coutryside. (Need to start numbering these, I didn't expect this many likes)
29. I rather enjoyed the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
30. Don't Stop Believing is an awful song.
31. The UK rocks, we just need to get a Catholic back on the throne
32. On that topic, I would have been a loyalist in the revolution.
33. K-Pop is pretty good, for pop music.
34. I actually might have voted if Bloomberg were on the ticket.
35. There is one and only good, mass market soda, and that is Mello Yello.
36. I prefer to obtain my anime legally.
37. Trains are the best form of land transit.
38. Airships are the best form of air transit.
39. Health effects aside, smoking does make you look cooler and more attractive.
40. Summers are miserable and I hate everything about them except the cicadas.
41. I harbor a shameful doubt that the Church should have never denounced Jansenism.
42. There is likely some truth to astrology.
43. Not that controversial, but handwriting should be a mandatory course in schools.
44. For the fountain pen fans out there: cartridge converters are the best filling system and I don't like paying extra for pistons, vacuum fillers, etc. I like changing my ink too much for those capacities anyway and maintaining them can be tedious.
45. If you ignore the films and stick to the comic books, DC>Marvel.
46. While we're on that topic, Batman Begins was the best film of that trilogy and it still isn't as good as Batman Returns.
Honestly, once you get above $50 a bottle, you get no return on paying more for most wine.
48. Steak is good but insanely overrated.
49. British cuisine is good actually.
50. Humid heat is more pleasant than dry heat.
51. I prefer hamburgers to cheeseburgers. You really don't have to put cheese on everything, people.
52. I know I'm not supposed to watch such things because of the content, but I rather like that Lucifer show on Netflix.
53. I shouldn't have done this thread, it's more work than I expected.
54. Driving is not an enjoyable experience and I hate almost everything about it.
55. Coffee just isn't that great.
56. Charles I of England should be canonized.
57. We need to fund the arts more, not less, while sending the funding to the right people.
58. This is more unpopular with my irl friends than the folks here, but fresh mozzarella is the best cheese.
59. Latin All Hallowstide is better than the Easter version.
60. Please stop liking the OP. I can't do this anymore.
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