Sort of a half vent but if you think being trans is a mental illness, or being trans is a fad, etc. please, never speak to me again. This is a transme/transphobe free area and as a trans nb lesbian I feel deeply offended when someone says something like this (1/?)
And then tries to play it off as a joke etc.
call me butthurt or offended easily but it still pisses me off a LOT and I’d appreciate if truscums/transphobes/transmed s don’t interact with me! it’s for the best (2/?)
again, might just be butthurt here but If you try calling it “a controversial opinion/ different view”, fuck off as well. this is not a debate over sides, this is called being either a person with fucking common sense or being a shitty asshole who I personally would not (3/?)
Want to talk to so just. Fuck off.
might delete this thread later but just found out a former close friend was a transphobe/truscum (and got their ”opinions” defended as well)and I’m. Fairly pissed (4/4)
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