Turning the back of my car into a writers' nest. Follow this thread to find out how you can too!
First step: clean it out and make as much room as possible.
Second step: I put down an old sleeping bag with a pad in it and an old comforter.
And it's dark because I am doing this in the middle of the night. Why yes, that is completely normal, why do you ask?
Third step: I covered my makeshift mattress with five layers of fleece...because everyone has bags of fleece laying around for crafting like me right?
BONUS: I found this bottle of essential oils in one of the bags, it's empty but still smells great, and now my nest smells like bliss!
I am accessorizing now and the apple tree across the driveway from me is dropping mini apples onto our shed and scaring the bejeebees out of me every time.

What was that? Oh apple....
Step four: Accessorize. But when you do it, spell it correctly, because I'm not sure if I did. It looks wrong. No I guess it's right. Is it?
Hmmm...I think I need more pillows...and a blanket...and some other stuffs. Going back in the house.

BANG! APPLE! Sheesh...
Here I have added magical ambient lighting. More pillows and a couple blankets.
Hmmm....its not quite done yet, but what does it need?
Someone in the house turned the porch light off on me. Aaaaaand the coyotes up the hill are now howling...correlation?👀đŸș
Fucking apple tree. I am going to cut you down. Just wait and see!
OKAY! Oops capslock. Sorry. The answer to what was missing was obviously snacks! And a pretty cooler bag to put them in.
Oh, that was step six. Sorry. Losing track here.
Make sure if you are using your writing nest/writing car to drive around in that you secure everything in place and here I have my emergency kit right under my crate/endstand. As well as an electric heater for when it starts getting cold out.
Okay my peeps, here it is in all it's glory. My new writing nest!
#WritingNest #WritingCommunity
I am using a lot of battery operated things here so here is a hint, get recheargable batteries. It will save you so much money. Get them for every day things too. The only time I have had to buy more batteries is when I get more things to put them in. Duracell has the best ones.
Amazon basic batteries suck, energizer is okay but the ones I had never held a charge for as long as my duracells and I have had some of these duracells for years but I can only find them at walgreens now for some reason.
From the writer's perspective of my little writing nest. Check it out!
#WritingNest #WritingCommunity
So, as you can imagine, I didn't get any writing done tonight. But I had a whole lot of fun with this live thread as I created my new writing space. Love you all and I hope you enjoyed this night owl's journey.
#WritingCommunity #WritingNest #NightOwlWriters
I just figured out how to open the back door from the inside of my crv (writing nest). There was no handle. Had to pry open a little panel that had a tiny lever inside. Which is good because exiting through the side door was something akin to being born.
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