At the very least we now need, as a first step to attempting to get to some degree of normality, to understand what the strategy against Covid-19 is. We relectantly, and maturely for the most part, agreed unprecedented civil liberties restrictions to prevent the NHS becoming 1/8
overwhelmed. We can & should question why the obscenely inefficient NHS (the world's 5th largest employer that consumes & wastes so much of our money) is so fragile, but there we are. We agreed, in as much as we didn't riot or disobey, to that. That was in March, for 3 weeks. 2/8
The NHS got busy but nowhere near overwhelmed whilst, crucially & shockingly, neglecting patients with other conditions to their very real detriment & now that failure is, literally, killing thousands. This is wanton, criminal neglect by the NHS. Temporary hospitals were 3/8
unused & dismantled. There is not remotely a Covid crisis in the NHS. There is a cancer crisis. And cancer will certainly kill you. So what is our strategy, if the central "protect the NHS" plank is removed? Are we holding out for a vaccine that will be de facto mandatory? 4/8
Are we adopting the almost wilfully childish, yet sinister, chilling & entirely illiberal concentration camp national imsprisonment tactics of New Zealand? Are we hiding behind the sofa until there are no cases? That will never be the case. Have politicians forgotten Africa 5/8
& much of South Asia with their manifest inability to govern or carry out the most basic of administrative tasks with any degree of efficiency whatsoever? Do we hide until THEY have eliminated all cases? We must articulate, and seek buy in from UK population for, a plan. 6/8
Utterly arbitrary, capricious and inconsistent diktats flung out by ministerial fools on Twitter are no substitute for government, planning or strategy. Our economy is already at death's door, & will get worse, & @BorisJohnson's weight problems are not a sufficient reason to 7/8
condemn us to a new Stone Age. We should demand to be told, or to debate what should be, the plan, & then see it through, tough or not. Ripping up our lives, society, families, livelihoods & kids' futures needs more than @MattHancock's midnight jerkoff sessions to justify it. 8/8
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