— seventeen as desi college students : a thread ♡
— haha shameless edit plug
— disclaimers :
; seungcheol | s.coups ♡
— is punjabi
— VERY protective of his friends
— giggles very easily and a LOT
— has gotten lectured by professors bc he couldn't stop giggling in the class
— drives a bullet - calls it ❝bullt❞, likes to wear kurta pajama - preferably black, with jutti
— is a localite. lives in his parents house.
— doesn't attend all the events of college fests but comes for DJ nights
— likes to drink but has to get sober before going home (bechara! :( )
: jeonghan ♡
— joined MUN bc he heard that he could use it as an excuse to bunk classes
— actually ended up loving it
— is a great debater now. debates even with the professors during the lectures.
— never studies for a class test, cheats his way through them
— always has higher scores in internals than in final exams cuz doesnt like to fill pages just to get marks
— lives in a flat few kms away from the college with joshua
— is close with dino - they met bc dino wanted a mini MUN event in the college fest, so they organized it together. now, they are so close that they treat each other like actual brothers.
; jisoo | joshua ♡
— has a car but doesn't like to drive
— jeonghan usually drives them to and back from college
— is very soft spoken
— the kind of guy girls trust to take a lift from, after the college fest finishes late
— is acquaintance with most of his classmates, but close to none (except jeonghan)
— isn't the teachers’ pet, but they all somehow end up having a soft spot for him
— got into a relationship during the last year of college. at first, they both decided for it to remain a casual thing since they’ll be separated soon. but it gradually turned serious and now he’s very stressed about maintaining it long-distance
; junhui | jun ♡
cw / weed

— doesn’t really care for his career/branch
— is going to college just bc of family pressure
— loves to travel instead
— is best buddies with minghao even though minghao is a junior
— both of them are in one of the college’s official dance teams - that’s how they met and got close
— is traveling to a new place, usually with minghao, every long weekend he gets
— his instagram is filled with photos of scenic beauty and his photos are constantly featured in ig stories of popular travel pages
— smokes weed, but never forces minghao or anyone else to smoke
; soonyoung | hoshi ♡
— founded one of the college’s dance teams - not the one jun and minghao are in
— he is one of the most famous students of the college - everyone knows who hoshi is
— people LOVE to see him perform and his performances always gather the loudest screams during the college fest
— is living in a flat near the college with jun, minghao and dino - they all met because of dance
— doesn't like weed but likes beer - a LOT
— is one of the class clowns - loves cracking dumb jokes during classes but almost always gets away with them cuz he’s just THAT charming
— you’d think with so much popularity and charm he must be in a relationship. but nope, he is too shy and hesitant when it comes to love. so never approaches any of his crushes.
; wonwoo ♡
— isn't friends with anyone is his branch/class bc he is a very private person
— but is very close to his roommate mingyu. they got allotted as each other's hostel roommates during the first semester, and have been living together since. mingyu is from a different branch though.
— chose a hostel very near to the college so he can come back to his room during long breaks between the classes
— plays computer games overnight and sleeps in the lectures
— wears pajamas and slippers to college, gives no fuck
— once, however, dressed up in a sherwani for ❝ethnic day❞ and quite a lot of people formed a crush on him, but no one is able to approach him bc of his nature, and well, cuz he is always quite literally sleeping in college
; jihoon | woozi ♡
— gets irritated when jeonghan engages the professors into unnecessary debates or when hoshi cracks a dumb joke. sometimes, both. mostly, both.
— takes his major quite seriously and gets good grades
— works as a part-time professor in the same college and is teaching a one-credit subject to the first year students
— is usually very serious and keeps his distance but hugs everyone AND THEIR FATHERS (seongcheol’s father, to be clear. don't ask when and why, he doesn't
like talking about it) when drunk
— also the type to lay his head on your shoulder/lap when he gets drunk but would pretend like nothing happened the next morning.
— has a crush on a classmate but wouldn't approach because he needs to focus only on making his career right now
; seokmin | dokyeom (dk) ♡
— is living in a rented one-storey, two bhk house, quite a few kms away from the college with seungkwan and vernon
— travels around on seungkwan’s scooty. they take turns driving it.
— is also in a band with seungkwan. he’s the main vocal of the band.
— they are fairly popular but not the biggest band of the college
— is the teacher’s pet AND PROUD OF IT
— not a drama kid but starred in one of their dramas, that’s where he found his s/o
— he played the role of a king. a lot of people want to see him star in a drama again :( but he has decided to focus more on his studies :((
— has been in a relationship since the first semester - seungkwan and vernon want a break from his babu shona calls at night
; mingyu ♡
— took part in ❝mr. fresher’s❞ as a punishment for losing a bet but ended up winning the competition
— since then, the college fest organizing committee always begs for him to host few of the competitions each year - he brings in a LOT of crowd
— is the campus’ official nsp (nain sukh prapti / eye-candy) and enjoys the attention quite a lot but wouldn't admit it
— since he is quite popular, he has at least a few friends in every branch, but is comfortable in living with wonwoo only
— contrary to his looks and persona, is actually good at studies and always ends up among the top 5 in his class
— secretly keeps an electric kettle in his almirah that he uses at night, after the warden has fallen asleep, to cook maggi for himself and wonwoo
; minghao | the 8 ♡
— is the model in jun’s scenic pictures.
— isn't much of a traveler but gets dragged along with jun, since they travel on HIS bike
— posts rarely on instagram and his posts are usually pics of his art or his outfit - but they all SCREAM aesthetic
cw/ weed

— uses only the ig story feature - that too is just pictures of his chai-sutta from different dhabas, tea stalls and cafes they visit while traveling
— tried smoking weed once out of curiosity. got a bt (bad trip) and never tried again
— is in the same dance team as jun and quite famous for his b-boying.
— keeps to himself and isnt expressive, unless on stage - that's when he is ON FIRE
; seungkwan ♡
— is the most friendly and fun guy of the class
— somehow close to all his classmates ????
— has a lot of female friends because he just feels very trustworthy and reliable
— sings and plays the keyboard in the band - all the other band members are non-svt
— used to go around the city every sunday with dk to check out new cafes and restaurants
— was very close with dk, but they grew apart after dk got into a relationship. usually hangs out with vernon now
— sometimes hosts few events of the college fest along with mingyu - has a great sense of humour and doesn't mind being the butt of the joke
— isn't the brightest in the class. but manages to score enough to pass
; hansol | vernon ♡
cw/ weed

— has quite a few female friends - byproduct of being best friends with seungkwan, but is usually quiet in front of them
— in their flat, dk and seungkwan got the rooms, vernon’s bed is in the living room.
— LOVES smoking weed
— gives lectures on why weed should be legal and its medicinal properties
— once got very high and jumped off from the roof (dw it is a one-storey house) just because *shrugs*
— is in the drama club - but they usually only make short movies that they post on youtube
— he sends the yt link to all his friends “bhai please ek like maar diyo” (bro, please give it a like)
— “The mountains are calling” phonecase but never actually travels
— loves kasaul and rishikesh - wants to settle there
; chan | dino ♡
— is in the same dance team as hoshi - and the 2nd most popular member of the team
— is also in the college fest organizing committee
— is a junior but is friends with a lot of seniors bc of the different clubs he is in
— since a junior with so many senior friends, gets pampered a LOT
— never pays for food or travel when he goes out with them
— lives with hoshi, jun and hao but is actually closest with seungcheol and jeonghan
— has a backlog in Math 101 that he’s still trying to clear, but doesn't worry much as he knows his cv has enough extra curricular points to cover up for it
— is quite sad these days cuz most of his senior friends are passing out this year
— frequently goes to their houses and makes drinking plans with them. that's his way of saying that he’ll miss them :(( </3
— end of thread. ♡
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