1) Sometimes the obsessive obedience and perfectionism I learned from Mormonism seeps into my activism. I notice the same anxiety I felt about keeping every church rule shows up when I'm thinking about recycling or voting or anti-racism.
2) But I know how that story ends, so I pause and dial back. I give myself grace and gentleness.
3) If I'm getting obsessive about the environment, I remind myself that I'm not a large corporation or a military, so I am not the one causing the Earth distress. She knows I'm on Her side. I try my best to honor her and she accepts.
4) As Mormon kids we learned how to be "all in." And we bring that with us to the causes we care most about. But we can't be "all in" for all the things all the time. If we want to keep showing up for the people we love, we have to care for ourselves.
5) If I could erase one thing from my brain, it would be the quote "Obedience brings blessings. Exact obedience brings miracles." I am not exaggerating when I say that I almost lost my life because of those words.
6) Don't bring that "exact obedience" with you to your acts of love.
7) This is your permission to be messy and incomplete and inconsistent and to show up anyway. ♥️
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