tw // sexual harassment

hey so i wanted to talk abt what’s happened w me w sexual harassment and why i feel uncomfortable sexualising H. that’s sexual harassment and i’ll link threads at the end of this. during my freshman year, i was constantly sexually harassed by +
upperclassmen and it was so unsettling and uncomfortable. ik you guys see me arguing w h*rries abt sexualising him & i feel like you guys think i just do it bc “i hate it” or something but genuinely it’s so uncomfortable. especially when it’s random ppl. like guys would always +
look at my butt, my boobs, or my thighs and they would catcall me. this would happen at school and over social media. social media IS a social situation and ppl are doing it without his consent. i realize you guy say “he’s never gonna see this” or “he doesn’t care” +
but i think he does. no one enjoys being sexually harassed or seeing ppls fantasies w them online. it’s so uncomfortable & disgusting. just bc he’s open abt sex doesn’t mean he gives consent to sexualise him. being seen as a sex symbol to so many people HAS to be such a terrible+
thing to go through. being seen for only ur body to ppl outside of the fandom. reporters/ppl who write articles only see what they look for. posting abt what u wanna do w H or anyone for that matter ruins their image. makes them be seen as something they’re not. and i totally +
get thinking H (or anyone) is hawt bc he is! and i’m not saying it’s wrong to have sexual fantasies w him but to me it makes me so uncomfortable, as someone who went through sexual harassment for a year. (i’m sure other ppl feel like this not just me but idk) and to add on +
most of his fans are underage ! that’s just wrong to post abt that type of stuff to do w a grown man! anyways i’m done w this bc i don’t wanna speak more into what happened but yeah, i just wanted to let that out bc i feel like ppl only think i do it for reasons that aren’t true
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