me, a nerd: the pushback and control of narratives in danmei sought by western fans/antis is due to the feeling of once-default cultural dominance being challenged as no longer are their deemed "universal" experiences accepted, and now onus is on them to learn rather than enforce
whereas when western media was unchallenged in cultural dominance the onus on western fans was all enforcement rather than learning, as they were the default majority. now that foreign media is reaching the same levels of popularity there is a perceived threat to that dominance.
it's less assertion of purity but more cultural mores, to enforce reassertion of cultural hegemony

and this is rooted innnnnn racism
cultural hegemony as well as cultural imperialism is what it sounds like: the perception that the dominant culture is superior to other cultures and that the dominant culture has the right to dictate and influence the behaviors and social interactions of another culture.
this is not done govt-to-govt but usually through the influence and actions of people who believe that the values they have - influenced by their culture and empowered by media consumed - should be accommodated or deferred to regardless of the space they are in lol
and i say this is rooted in racism because racism isn't just about the outright oppression of another based on race, it is also when there is a belief that any culture is inferior to another, and that the "other" culture must submit to the judgement of the "dominant" culture.
in danmei specifically, this includes ignoring social contracts and the bad faith re-framing/misinterpreting, the "re-translating"/"cleaning" of texts which results in deliberate censorship of "problematic" passages by western standards, ignoring chinese voices and explanations
and in anitwt but also danmei twt by extension, taking a specific term, fujoshi, to twist it away from its original meaning and to use it to demonize the people who originally made it and use it.
Anyway, just some examples of cultural hegemony that i’ve seen and where i’ve seen the most pushback. I mean lol relgious, moral, and puritan reasons were why the west subjugated asia but actually it was r a c i s m so we’re not really reinventing the wheel here
ANYWAY just some observations from my little island where i’m eating a cupcake and waiting for brunch don’t yell at me
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