I think there's a bit of a debate on whether it's better to cover songs that are popular that practically everybody knows, or cover songs that like "no one" knows.
I think if you cover a song, that's just dancing, that is already widely popular, if people don't like you're dancing, they can at least jam out to the song in the audience bc they like the song. or... they try dancing it themselves in the audience lol.
If it's covering a song, singing-wise, and the audience knows the song really well, if you do bad then people can notice easily because they will compare you so much to the original, because they know the original well lol.
if you cover a song, singing-wise, and the audience doesn't like it, well, some could argue that since they weren't familiar with the song, they don't know what to compare the cover too, so it could save you a bit lol.
if you do well covering a song, singing only or dancing only or both, then you do extra well bc not only does the audience already know the song, they know it well so they can compare you well to it and if you do amazing, they are really wowed. it can help with popularity
if you cover a song that no one heard before, but you perform it in a way that still got he crowd excited, I think that's a more impressive outcome. Because you were able to turn an "uninterested" audience into one that was invested
I mean, every song we like at one point it was completely new to us. so if you introduce someone to a song they end up liking due to your cover, then I think that's really cool.

these are my theories lol.
and I think that if you have the intention of performing original songs one day, by covering songs that people aren't familiar with, it can help you get better skills at feeling confident in yourself to sell an idea to people that are unfamiliar

my plan all this time lol
I don't think it helps much with gaining popularity or followers easily tho lol

but I think it does get people to look at you more as a person instead of them just being hype about the song choice, which helps u in the longrun when original songs come around

my theory lol
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