When I first realized Republicans and Trump were going to try to steal the election, I felt so hopeless that I couldn’t understand why we should do all the normal election things. 1/n
But then I realized we need to do the normal things—get excited about veep selection, watch convention speeches, donate/volunteer, pay attention to horserace polling, etc—because holding on to some normalcy does at least two things. 2/n
1. It puts into stark relief the abnormal. Trump admitted today to election fraud. If we were observers of another country’s election, we would call this fraud. This isn’t just his election night strategy. This is fraud. 3/n
2. If fraud is carried out, we need to have some benchmark. Donations after the Harris pick, how many people tuned into the conventions, all the polling, will help us understand the magnitude of the Trump deficit and Biden enthusiasm before any fraud occurs. 4/n
Then come November (or earlier) we need to vote like hell. Every single person. And organize organize organize. No matter how worried we are that our vote won’t count. Drown them in votes so they have to work like hell to steal the election. 5/n
Vote like your life depends on it. It literally does. 6/6
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