I can’t wake you up to the matrix of conditioning & systems you’re buried under & I can’t do the research for you. You have to WANT to wake up & be willing to fight & dig for the truth. You have to climb out of the rabbit hole just like everyone else has-no one will pull you out.
It’s not my job to send you information & I’m not asking you to believe what I say, I’m telling you to go do your own research to figure it out yourself. You have to be the one to set your reality & it helps if it’s independent of the mainstream narrative financed by an agenda.
If you’re uncomfortable w/ what I say, keep on scrolling. If I don’t ascribe to someone else’s reality I don’t try to argue or “catch” them, b/c I’m comfortable in my realty which is my truth. You should be ok in yours too, & if you’re not, that’s on you. That’s your work to do.
If you argue w/ me or others who question the mainstream narrative of #Covid (which is the nature of reality) are you really seeking to learn and gain knowledge or are you merely trying to confirm an implicit bias you hold & you feel uncomfortable looking at other possibilities?
Those who really seek truth & come up out of the rabbit hole know what freedom feels like & once you taste the real freedom that living in truth affords you, you’re not giving that up for anything or anyone. Our minds are the last frontier & no one will ever take that from us.
You can follow @AliBeckZeck.
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