It is ridiculous to believe that COVID-19 deaths are inflated without providing an explanation for all of the excess deaths in 2020. 1/6
Basically, many more people are dying in 2020 than would be expect under "business as usual." What exactly is causing people to die in such large numbers if not the brand new virus that is circulating around the globe?
Additionally, there are significant numbers of non-COVID excess deaths. "Large increases in mortality from heart disease, diabetes,
and other diseases were observed. Further investigation is required
to determine the extent to which these trends represent

manifestations of COVID-19 or secondary
pandemic mortality caused by disruptions in society that
diminished or delayed access to health care and the social determinants of health (eg, jobs, income, food security)." (from the paper)

So, not only are people dying from COVID (which is not being over reported), people are dying from other causes at higher rates than usual as well due to a strained healthcare system.

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