I just cannot untie this knot in my head:

If US has so much Human Rights, right, left & center, how come there are so many homeless in America?

This is not a trick Q. It is a real Q

Having food to eat, having clothes to wear are NOT within the purview of Human Rights?
It appears to be received wisdom, if you read US's MSM that you have to be a commie to care about the lives of real ppl

That is another knot I cannot untie in my head

Why does one have to be a commie to care about the lives of real ppl?

Is that Karl Marx, Engels, Brecht, Bloch
Or.. Joseph MacCarthy?

What a crazy country, everyone in the MSM is fighting to obtain an orgasmic high from bashing China for being a "communist".
Really strange.

I predict again, as I did, & proven right, on covid,this sort of nonsense - fingerpointing - knows only ONE victim. That victim is America itself, no one else.
Nonsense does not feed hungry stomachs or cloth shivering bodies.

This is what American politicians & MSM journalists do not get, intoxicated by group think.
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