Getting a lot of questions about kids and brushing so a quick thread:

Children have 20 primary teeth which start erupting at age 6 months and continue till around the 5 year mark. (see image)

The need for "brushing' starts at birth but is done on the gums initially.
After the baby is fed, either via breast feeding or the bottle, use a clean cotton handkerchief and room temp boiled water to gently clean the gums.

The teeth are forming under the gums and if the milk is left behind it can see through and cause cavities.

The same is done
for teeth when they erupt.

Around the 1 years mark, it is a good idea to start the process of brushing the teeth. There are many wonderful types of infant brushes available which can be used for the same. This is a popular one but can sometimes be too big and hence a challenge.
Getting the smallest kids toothbrush with soft bristles is the way to go. Start with just dipping the brush in water and gently cleaning the teeth. Don't forget to brush the inner surfaces also. Also the gums where there are no teeth yet.

As more teeth erupt and the toddler
starts consuming solid food, it is not essential to properly brush the teeth with a toothpaste.

There are again many Children's pastes available. The key is to get one which is:

Fluoride free
SLS free

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is what makes the paste foam and can cause ulcers on
tender gums of kids and hence should be avoided.

Fluoride is a mineral that is excellent for your teeth. How ever if it is consumed beyond a certain amount, it can be toxic. Given that children have not yet developed the ability to spit out the toothpaste and tend to swallow,
a Fluoride free paste is recommended.

We started brushing our children's teeth at age 18 months with a "training toothpaste"

It is HARD work and people have had to literally hold their kids down to brush their teeth.

Please understand it is nor a comfortable feeling for
the child initially and so make it into a game.

-Use a screen
-Use the dentist/needle/injection as a threat
-Give up

It will take at least a month to get into the routine.

What worked for us was to brush WITH the child.

Once they are a little older,
let them brush YOUR teeth first and you should be fine.

Be ready for some ulcers because they don't have the control over their hands yet.

Once the back teeth come into the mouth, it is essential to start flossing. The sooner you start the better. We started flossing at age 2.
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