Pics 1 & 2:

Outside liposomes (+ charged on their surface) are capable of fusing with - charged plasma membrane by fusion with the cell membrane. Nucleic acid material permeate into the cytoplasm for replication/expression

Pic 3:
"loses its insulating character"
"The ER [endoplasmic reticulum] was decorated by the D1ER protein. In attached haMSC, nuclei were located at the center of the cells and the ER completely surrounded the nuclei, occupying a large volume in the cell."
"the total absence of Ca2+ in the external medium implies that the electro-induced Ca2+ peaks can only arise from the flow of Ca2+ from the internal stores to the cell cytosol"
"However, when the same electric pulse was applied without a prior addition of thapsigargin, all the cells presented a Ca2+ peak. This demonstrates that the ER depletion by thapsigargin prevented the occurrence of the electro-induced Ca2+ peaks."
For clarification...

Cells fuse (burst from within) as physical consequences of sufficient calcium released from endoplasmic reticulum and/or mitochondria into cytoplasm. Increased permeability of ER organelle caused first by either 5G pulse waves or vector routes (vaccine, air)
@wake_hell @realDonaldTrump:

5G waves are electromagnetically carried from skin to nerve cells through to only incising the inner membrane of the ER and/or mitochondria, remobilizing the ion pumping action to dissolve the ER/mitochondria membrane(s), which effectively dumps Ca2+
Similar electrically-induced repositioning and readjustment -- and thus essentially diffusion of CA2+ (and energy) into cellular cytoplasm -- is made possible via exposure to any particles that lead by electron gradient, to physical penetration only into ER/mitohondrial organelle
Agents that can trigger described electropermeabilization include...

Examples: vaccine injection (liposomal delivery agents), inhalation from environment, any exposure to active ingredients that latch into ER/mitochondrial wall and ultimately abolish it
As this process occurs, individual cells are in turn realigned and per an electromagnetically driven current as a result of ER/mitochondrial organelle borders becoming permeable, attract together in bunches. "Viral replication" refers to continuation in these bunches amassing..
@DrJessieKeener - see this thread too
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