It’s really adorable seeing the Vladimir Putin fan club pushing a #GeneralStrike hashtag, what is this, #September1stItBegins?

Literally no Americans are this stupid, @Mod_Russia, sorry
Shot/Chaser cc @780thC
Everybody can play this fun game.

Shot / Chaser
#TeamPatriot is like the civilian information militia who want to be @780thC when we grow up. We bust Russian disinformation and division ops on the right, on the left, wherever they may be.

#GeneralStrike is an easy one
PS! This fun fun game also works on hashtag #GeneralStrike2020!
Try it for yourselves: take any account on these hashtags then put

From:handle Russia

Into your search bar.
The first two here are SHOTS, and the second two are CHASERS. Complete with fake Af-Am identity!
Come on you guys, this is fun! Serve your country from your armchair, tag me or @patribotics with any of your results and I will compile them. Let’s see what very very genuine socialist @McAuleyATL thinks of Russia shall we?

Last one for now - these aren’t “bots” and most won’t even be Russian trolls. They like to work with Russian-sympathizing fellow travelers in America. You spot them via messaging, it’s called “Message Discipline”

* pro general strike
* anti Biden
* pro Russia

Have fun!
You can follow @LouiseMensch.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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