Today is Alex's first attempt at the super secret ancient Richey Family Hot Wings Recipe!

Rob just wrote down a recipe and cut her loose, so let's see whether she pulls an Amelia Badelia or makes a masterpiece!

( Amelia Badelia still a well-known reference?)
The instructions said to start by simmering the sauce on low heat.
So she sat on the floor and started a fire.
When measuring butter for the sauce, the recipe called for 8 tablespoons.
We broke a few teeth while chomping down on the hard metal.
The recipe needed her to reduce the spicy mixture in a sauce pan.
So she threw away half of it.
Next it said to put the wings into the oven, turning occasionally.
I walked in to find her standing in front of the stove, spinning in circles.
The final step requires you to spoon the remaining hot sauce onto the wings.
So she curled up and snuggled with the bowl of hot sauce. Alex was the little spoon.
Actually the whole thing was quite amazing!
Everything is made from scratch, from the hot sauce to the homemade buttermilk ranch.
Awesome job! đź‘Ť
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