I've been thinking about this a lot the past week with the #Oilers knocked out of the playoffs, but sports fans in Edmonton owe a lot to the local writers / broadcasters. We went months without a glimmer of live sports and yet every single day we had content from people like...
@nielsonTSN1260 with his morning show / #NSDrafts, I especially liked the strip mall one - came on a wednesday morning when our new puppy just wouldn't sleep so I took him for a walk and listened to the whole thing. @lowetide never missed a day with his blog and...
hit it out of the park every day from 10:00 to noon on @TSN1260. Thanks to all the producers and others involved in Dusty's show, Lowetide's show and with @JasonGregor's show... #storytime with Gregor and @Jason_Strudwick has been equal parts hilarious / insightful / inspiring.
If that wasn't enough, we're lucky enough to have writers like @DNBsports and young @JonathanWillis doing their damnedest to generate content on @TheAthleticNHL and literally everyone @OilersNation . I was pretty damn sour last week after the Oilers lost to the Hawks, but...
with a week of breathing room and context, without the damn hard work of all of these people the last few months would have been a lot more empty. So... thanks to all tagged in this thread and to a few more: @HernanDaMan @matthewiwanyk @kassassination @JoaquinGage31 @jamieson1260
for keeping us all entertained in these strange, strange times. /end
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