Hello...I think I need to tell you all about this dream.
I will start out by telling you the dream and then connect it with some other puzzle pieces that we've been circling around and around about.
In the dream I am watching a motorboat come right towards me. (The dream took place about 3 nights ago, let's place it at 8/10/2020).
I am not in the water myself, but kind of watching it as if I am there.

It's coming right at me, but I'm not in any danger of impact or anything.
In the boat is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The boat is a normal small motorboat. It has two levels of seats.

The back seat is kind of like a shelf and Prime Minister Netanyahu is sitting on it.

The front seat is lower and there's an Israeli soldier sitting in front of the Prime Minister, facing forward.
The Prime Minister leans forward and cups his hand over the soldier's ear and whispers something.

There is a momentary pause and then the soldier puts his hand down on some kind of "go" button.

And then
And then I turn my head leftward, and I see that an entire city explodes.
That is the dream.

And it's been bothering me for days now, what does that dream mean?

Because it was very clear, and vivid, and I remember it.
I am very fortunate to have angels in human form who reach out to me, and one of them is a friend who texted me to ask if I am OK, just a few minutes ago.

We got to chatting about the dream and this is what came out...
Basically, it's about the fact (my belief that this is a fact, but subconscious) -- that President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu are actively working together.

That Trump is Q+, and Netanyahu is effectively Q.

Does that sound crazy?

Think about it.
Now before I go on I want to stress - I don't mean that Netanyahu is LITERALLY Q.

Only that there is some sort of partnership going on here that transcends the normal bounds we've been thinking.
What is the entire Q operation about, beyond politics and beyond "drain the swamp?" --> It is fundamentally about breaking the hold of the satanic principalities on this world, of satan himself

Who is in charge of the Holy Land, which has been the subject of a coup by satanists against the sacred?

The object of Q is to end the world of child sex trafficking.

I believe that Netanyahu knows all about it, and is going to end it, along with the entire hold of the cabal over Israel -- working with Trump.

Thus - that FINAL BLAST, was the blast of destroying the cabal in Israel
"Saving Israel for last" - Q
Q went quiet after July 31.

We know that Q always goes quiet when there is an operation.
The operation has been a series of fires and explosions, at some point they spelled Lucif--, but there were even more than that.

For years now they have been exploding DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES to the tune of $500 million in DOD funds to end the DISGUSTING EXPERIMENTS
For years Israel has been absolutely quiet, and that is because ISRAEL and AMERICA are WORKING TOGETHER on whatever they are doing.
BOTH ISRAEL AND AMERICA are currently in the throes of an attempted takeover by SATANISTS in LAWYER'S clothes.
That is why, in this whole civil war, the ONE word that you can't even discuss with any seriousness is EVIL.
I want to talk about this more.
My friend pointed out the water.

"On water (the boat) means miracles"

"'Parting' the sea"

and immediately I thought "watch the water" - Q
I thought about how hard the antisemitic attacks have been against Chabad Judaism, which is all about "redeeming the sparks" - the holiness - from within the kelipot (Qlipot) - husks of evil --
I thought about how the Lubavitcher Rebbe blessed Netanyahu and said that 119 (all the Knesset) would come against him, that he would have to fight them all, but not to be intimidated.

The Rebbe (this is the Chabad head of all rabbis) said to avoid war, and that "God is on this side"

119: "covering of sin" (in Psalms 32:1)
119: "deliverance" (in Psalms 32:7)

Netanyahu is not a perfect person and so the Rebbe said to him, before blessing his efforts:

"God helps all who wish to elevate others; how much more so when one begins with himself.

"Please don't hold it against me for speaking about this in public."
Why is President Trump working with Benjamin Netanyahu? Because he understands that it is through protecting the SACREDNESS of Israel that America is blessed.

Just like it is through FIGHTING for the SACREDNESS of America that America will be reborn and rebuilt."
The logical question arises as to why President Trump has never called out anyone for child sex trafficking when that activity has occurred in the context of an intelligence operation.

Nothing about the CIA, FBI ("Epstein is an intelligence asset") or the Mossad.
The logical question arises as to why President Trump has never called in all the victims who've come forward these past few years to talk about what Epstein did to them, not just sex trafficking but biotech implanted in their arms, eggs harvested and bred, programming.
This is not to mention all the other abuses.
I think the answer is that Trump and Netanyahu decided they would literally blow it up.
There are some crimes that can never be adjudicated.

You would have people murdering each other in the streets.
So I think Trump turned to Netanyahu and said, maybe without even saying anything:

We are just gonna blow it sky-high.
And I think that many other leaders agreed to this plan.
Do you remember when Dr. Steve Pieczenik talked about the white hats getting together to make sure Hillary didn't win?

Did you notice that Wikileaks just dumped stuff about Kamala?
It was around that time that I remember someone anonymously posting about how the white hats were actually working together on some plan to rescue the children (and this memory is vague, so forgive me).
I think what you have to understand is that we are dealing with an entire world held hostage. "Iran" is not Iran. And so on.
My friend said: "The Beirut tunnels, after the blast - uncovering sunlight"

And said - "fire purifies"

"Phoenix - out of the ashes rises"

Look at the Phoenix...Phoenicia.
God tells the Jewish people, in the Bible, to destroy the idols wherever they are found.

The ancient Phoenicians worshiped...Baal. aka Moloch. A death, sex orgy, immorality boosting, child sacrificing cult aimed at growing their power. https://www.ancient.eu/Phoenician_Religion/
"The most important god at Sidon was Baal"
"1 suggested identity for Molech is the Canaanite deity, Ba’al-Hadad or Hadad....considered the king of the gods....pagan alters [sic] in the valley of Ben-Hinnom where children were sacrificed r also described as altars to Ba’al by the prophet Jeremiah." https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/identity-moloch-0011457
"Furthermore, Assyrian texts state that child sacrifices were made to Adad, the Assyrian equivalent of the Canaanite Hadad. This makes it reasonable to suggest that child sacrifices may have also been made to Hadad and that a cult of child sacrifice may have been related to him."
"Although it is most likely that this practice was due to the introduction of a foreign deity, it has also been suggested that the Judahites believed that that they were making sacrifices to Yahweh, the national deity of the ancient Judahites and Israelites."
"Either way, the prophets harshly condemn this practice as being offensive to Yahweh whether it be a corruption of Yahweh worship or worship of a foreign deity such as Ba’al-Hadad."
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