There is so much endemic hypocrisy in every identity politic ethno-narcisstic gender-narcisstic (etc) subclave that there is effectively no way to re-establish a universal conceptual ground upon which an actual good faith dialogue could take place.
The basic issue is that no one wants to build this ground— no one wants to eliminate bourgeois politics of equivalence— everyone wants to be bourgeois & dictate the terms of equivalence.
The only universal ground would be Capital— & relation to Capital— as this would enable recognition of difference while maintaining universality— ie— individuality— & would be where discussions of real equity could take place.
However— this is impossible because attention has itself become Capital— & the most profitable real-estate is solipsistic narcissism— ie— “attention to ones own concern”
This is “self-empowerment”— & this is what every ideology promotes to its adherents— catered in every imaginable fashion to seize as much attention as possible.
I see no way out of this.
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