I want to be very clear, because David said this about me and the replies in this thread ACTUALLY THREATEN VIOLENCE AGAINST ME.

I made nothing up about David. I blocked him years ago because he attacked my daughter FOR BEING DISABLED. I am certain I reported the tweets.
Now, I want to be clear: I don’t care about this bag of dicks. I have no interest in trolling him. I have no interest in his bullshit “conversion.” I would be happier to forget it even existed.
But I sure as shit have no interest in being the bad guy for not accepting a performative fake apology from someone who has repeatedly been told I am not interested.

If you’re one of the assholes in this thread who wants to “shiv” me? Come the fuck at me.
If you’d Weissman? Go fuck yourself. Fuck off with the pretend “I just want to own up” and then posting this shit. I know who you are. You’ve sold your shit to a lot of people, but I saw the real you. I still see.

Stop contacting my friends. Wash my name out of your mouth.
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