Fidel Castro led a successful proletariat revolution that meaningfully altered the lives of the working, black and brown people of Cuba and survivored tremendous efforts by the U.S. empire to bring it under Western control.
The U.S. has done its due dillegence to tarnish the name & reputation of a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary who had a stronger moral & ethical code than that of any U.S. president — & who did more for the global struggle against imperialism than any politician would ever think to.
The fight for socialism includes honoring and defending those who put their lives on the line for the struggle and defending existing socialism against bourgeois lies and intervention-mongering.
It also includes fighting against the 50 year long economic blockade and expanding economic sanctions against Cuba by the United States that has caused mass suffering of Cuban people. Happy birthday, Fidel! Viva la revolucion.
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