Was listening on @TRCA_HQ Youth Council Webinar on Systematic Barriers in Conservation. This topic's been heavy in my heart for a while now and I'm glad there was a webinar that validated my feelings😅 Green spaces not equally accessible to everyone?! CRAZY but disturbingly true.
If I'm being honest, I didn't even know much about the environment until after 1st year of university?! I thought things were considered 'green' so long as it had a bunch of grass and trees🤣 Man, how did I get a degree in Zoology lmao. ANYWAY.
Growing up loving nature but not having much exposure, nor having a mentor within wildlife conservation was difficult and it often made me feel lost. I was only really lucky when I found unique experiences with @UTRCAmarketing's the turtle team or with @liz_mandeville's lab 🥲❤️
I BARELY knew much y'all. But having a supervisor/organization give you the chance to work and learn in an open and inclusive environment does WONDERS to that student's life. I know it did for me! And look at me now! Aiming high to keep my mentors proud 💪 so far at least lol
So please please please. To those in a position who can employ students or young professionals. Please be a little more considerate. Qualifications like having a full G licence, boating experience or extensive field/camping experience can be barriers too. We don't got the $$$!
Not everyone has the luxury to do non-luxurious outdoorsy things... I understand how those things can be useful for the job but it shouldn't be a criteria that immediately rejects a perfectly smart, capable and curious employee, especially if you're hiring a student.
And oh my golly please don't put that in your Applicant Tracking System. Idk much of how they work but if your criteria are so specific to those with the privilege, then yes, you're creating barriers without thought.
For those of you that actually consider these, thank you and I love you! This is just an open rant/cry because I know job hunting and interviewing during a pandemic is especially no bueno for many rn.
And trying to pursue a career in helping save the world can suck when you don't have much of the material things that would make you otherwise successful for the job.
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