Today I got a question about a phrase in my casting call, and I figured I'd make a thread about it. The phrase is: "People of color, trans people, queer people, disabled people, and those from other marginalized groups are especially encouraged to audition."
The question went "Why are these groups encouraged to audition?" So let's get into that. One of my goals in making Sidequesting was to include more representations of groups and identities that I felt were lacking in the shows I watch and books I read.
For example, I have yet to see a Nonbinary, Asexual character on TV, so I made my main character both Ace and Nonbinary. That makes me happy. Having representation is important to me, and in fact, I'm not interested in writing stories without it. It simply doesn't appeal to me.
It's also important to me to cast actors that represent characters. I feel that a Deaf VA will always be the best choice to play a Deaf character, a Black VA will always be the best choice for a Black character, and a trans VA will always be the best choice for a trans character.
All of my experience in casting has only confirmed that actors playing characters they represent makes for a better performance. (This has been the case not only for Sidequesting but in the other audio fiction shows I've cast).
Additionally! People who aren't straight/white/abled have shown so much talent in open roles where the identity of the character wasn't relevant. I encourage people from these marginalized groups to audition because many are fantastic actors and I want them on my show.
Encouraging these marginalized groups is also a simple matter of statistics. Most of the people who have auditioned are straight/white/abled/some combination thereof, and I want diversity in my show. I think diversity makes it better, and selfishly, I want a good show.
Please know that when I say diversity makes this show better, I don't mean "it looks good to have a diverse cast, you get to check off boxes" I mean that the show genuinely benefits from the varied voices that take part in it.
The question I was asked about this phrase then became a statement saying "well it's exclusionary" so let me be clear - anyone can audition. There's not even specific mic requirement, let alone any requiring a VA to be of a certain group. Sidequesting is about inclusion.
Sidequesting is about inclusion, and that involves telling stories with underrepresented groups, hiring marginalized individuals (NOT just to play characters with their identities), and encouraging people from marginalized groups underrepresented in media to be part of the story.
I'm not perfect, and I'm always learning how to do better with my mission of inclusion. But know that I'm not making this thread to look good or get accolades - I just want to share why diversity is important to me, in case anyone else is out there wondering about it.
In conclusion: everyone can audition for this show, and then I hire the best actors for my roles. Sometimes, those actors are straight, white, and without disabilities. Sometimes those actors aren't. Even if you're not being explicitly encouraged to audition, do it anyway. -Tal
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