How might we design a palliative care model for people with brain tumors AND their care partners?

1st: Define quality of life (QoL)

This study used Twitter to better understand how people facing brain tumors define QoL.
#btsm #hpm #hapc #medthread 🧵 /1

🚨Research is needed to inform palliative care models that address the full spectrum of quality of life (QoL) needs for brain tumor patients AND care partners.🚨

DYK: Stakeholder engagement in research can inform research priorities?

#btsm #hpm #hapc /2
For this work, stakeholders included: patients, care partners, researchers, palliative care & neuro-oncology clinicians, advocacy group leaders, & payer representatives. ALL THE STAKEHOLDERS!

BIG QUESTION: Can engagement via social media complement in-person stakeholder panels?
In this paper we:

✔️Describe the use of Twitter to complement in-person stakeholder engagement, and

✔️Report themes derived from qualitative analysis of tweet chats about QoL needs and palliative care opportunities for brain tumor patients
#btsm #hpm #hapc /4
We used Twitter to engage the brain tumor ( #BTSM) & palliative care ( #HPM) stakeholder communities via tweet chats:

✔️ #BTSM chat focused on defining & communicating about QoL

✔️ #HPM chat discussed communicating about palliative care for those facing neurological conditions /5
Content analysis identified themes, which showed:

🧐 QoL for brain tumor pts & care partners includes psychosocial, physical & cognitive concerns

🧐 Biggest concerns: behavioral changes, grief over loss of identity, changes in relationships, depression, anxiety /6

💁‍♀️Brain tumor patients & care partners appreciate when providers discuss QoL EARLY in treatment
📢They emphasized the need for care partner support
📢They said communication about QoL & palliative care rely upon RELATIONSHIPS to meet evolving patient needs
#btsm /7
“QoL is defined by the individual, may evolve over time, and is important for everyone—not just those with a terminal diagnosis or nearing the end of life.”

Meaning: As you move through phases after diagnosis, what QoL means TO YOU changes too.
#hpm #hapc /8

Through tweets, #BTSM & #HPM ( #hapc) Twitter stakeholders outlined how, in addition to providing neurological and symptom management, THERE IS A NEED for specialized palliative care for brain tumor patients. /9
👉 Specialized palliative care may address unmet psychosocial & informational needs for #BTSM patients & care partners

👍Twitter was helpful for engaging stakeholders, informing research priorities, understanding stakeholder perspectives on QoL & palliative care /10
PERSONALLY: I can’t wait for the full paper to be online.

The supplemental material (w/tweets!) provides so much more context.

THANK YOU to all of the #BTSM & #HPM community members who participated and approved including their tweets in the paper (you know who you are). /11
Personal reflections:
🙏 to mystery reviewers 1, 2 & 3
🙏 to @neulpt @MichaelDFratkin @rfberry for 💡
💗 to the cancer hashtag & #medtwitter communities for your openness
#btsm #bcsm #lcsm #mmsm #ayacsm #gyncsm #pancsm #leusm #hpm #hapc /fin
Hey @lisaoleary524 and @mrsadamhayden: This is for you. #btsm
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