saw a new cookbook for asian dumplings and noodles, looked up the author and then...🙃
also, since i'm making unsolicited recommendations, will always continue to +1
@TheSporkful's "other people's food" series

[deleted earlier tweet bc i id'ed the wrong sporkful handle]
in case you were wondering, her book intro is more or less an expanded version of her "about me" page with this graf in particular that i had to read twice
and yes, she sells bespoke chili oils and chili crisp. her testimonials point out they're like crystal meth and crack!

ok, i'm going to log off now for my sanity 🙃
ok, i lied. i'm still here. but i took a shower & ruminated on why this bothers me so much. my dad owned/ran a tiny take-out restaurant. long hours, came home smelling like a fryer. so much of his biz was cooking up food we'd never eat/he didn't recognize as his own
the value of authenticity didn't translate to profits for him or the countless others from our province who immigrate to the western world. in fact, livelihoods are still built on catering to customers who sometimes seem to loathe us, hate us.
even now, my relationship w/chinese cooking is built on how disconnected i feel as a chinese-born chinese american. i've forgotten mandarin/can barely cobble together sentences in my native dialect. but being able to cook chinese dishes is what makes me feel...chinese?
no word from @Pippyeats_ but her blog "is having a makeover!" 👀

i didn't think my tweet would blow up the way it did. rly hope she thinks about the language she uses. so many pple now claim to support diversity + inclusion but avoid these convos when it comes to themselves :(
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