THREAD: Tectonic plates

1. Trump has become a polarising figure.

The Main Stream Media (MSM) seems incapable of reporting anything good he is doing, which tells a story in its own right.

It was this hatred of Trump that called me to first question the MSM's integrity.
2. The MSM’s ability to cast a spell over people's minds is quite impressive really; evil, but impressive.

Really, they have *created* Trump.

Anyone who thinks Trump is bad should ask a few simple questions:

- Why do people who don’t even vote for Trump love what he’s doing?
- Why do non-US citizens *strengthen* their support, even when persecuted for doing so?

- Why are so many around world rallying around the US people ahead of this election?

- Why are Anons and researchers unable to stop digging once they see whatever it is they see?
- Do you ever wonder why all the catastrophic events the MSM told us were about to happen, never happened?

These are not divisive questions. They are unifying questions.

Questioning expands our awareness. Such a quest is not dangerous, nor is it conspiratorial.
5. This shift in consciousness is not about politics; it is about us finding a unifying voice against evil deeds that we thought no longer existed.

Trump has been able to open this window for a brief period of time. It is up to us to jump through it.
6. I pondered the surface-level conflict on earth right now.

I also pondered if all was not quite as it seemed...

Could it be that peace is slowly emerging between nations that once were in conflict?

Wasn’t peace in the middle-east impossible?
7. The tectonic plates of peace are moving into place. This readjustment will bring healing to the earth.

Such deep, foundational shifts always cause chaos on the surface, but this drama will pass quickly.

The earthquakes of human emotion will soon subside.
8. The volcanoes of fear will not erupt for too long.

Each day, we are being unified in our awareness of this magnificent tectonic shift we are experiencing.

We must navigate it wisely and resist evil where necessary, but WE WILL WIN.

Peace will prevail.

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