it is really funny that one of the reasons that AOC is only getting 60 seconds is they definitely don't want a repeat of obama's keynote skyrocketing his presence in '04 which goes beyond 'obama is pulling the ladder up' and into 'clinton coalition still mad about 08', yeah
they are the two dominant coalitions in establishment democratic politics and they agree on just about everything in policy and in screwing the left but the bitterness between the clinton and obama camps is still so thick
wondering if there's anybody left in dem politics who's also still pissed about bill largely coming out of nowhere and skipping the line in 1992, so to speak
jerry brown grousing to himself in private for years
goddamn they're not wrong, that is an incredibly bizarre mix of politics
"flat tax, more taxation of the wealthy, living wage, and also destroy the department of education" might be perhaps the better way to encapsulate how many independents are not a mold of 'moderates' but 'people with both far left and right beliefs that may wildly contradict'
"i like a little bit of gun control, but not too much, and a little bit of social rights, but not too much" is how a lot of not registered party voters get framed when it's more common to run into wild shit like "tax the rich at 90 percent, also a bible in every classroom"
much as i hate rogan himself, gliding through the audience base for rogan's show is probably the best way to actually get a read on 'independent' voters who either aren't registered or aren't particularly comitted to either party. it isn't about 'moderation', for sure
you'd think it'd be nothing but "buncha libertarians who just wanna smoke weed" but that is deeply selling short how varying, bizarre, far left and both far right at the same time politics they can get
ends up more like UBI, M4A, not simply tighter immigration restrictions but arbitrary immigration restrictions they've thought themselves like 'must be able to sing', federal fund for making casinos and bars in your own basement, and "let middle schoolers operate power machinery"
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