At the #WalkAway rally in Baltimore, a young woman ran up to me after I gave my speech, looked at me with tears in her eyes, and then hugged me without saying a word. She told me that she had come there on her own because she knew what was happening wasn’t right. She was brave.
She’s a senior in college (at a major university in Maryland) and told me about what they were teaching in a school and how she couldn’t speak up. She told me she knew her own parents wouldn’t support her. I hugged her back and told her everything would be ok.
I saw a younger version of myself in her, scared and apprehensive but determined to do what she thought was right. Except that she was far braver than I was at her age. She came to a rally in the middle of Baltimore by herself to stand up for what she believes in.
I’ve thought about her a lot in the last few weeks. I’ve thought about her when I was tired from traveling, when I was feeling sorry for myself after a business contact stabbed me in the back, and when I was feeling like all this was just too inconvenient to keep doing.
People like her though, that’s what matters the most. People risking everything to do the right thing. If you can inspire someone to do that - and you all can - then the risks are completely worth it. You’ll understand when you look in their eyes and see the impact you have.
Speak up. Be brave. This is a time for heros. There are people out there who need to hear from you. When you speak up you give others permission to do the same, and that feeling is priceless.
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