Okie dokie here we go! Thread of where to buy business supplies for small businesses without having to give jeff bezos more money! https://twitter.com/virgostellar_co/status/1294047784459366400
Ecoenclose for recyclable and compostable mailers! If you buy in bulk from the site the prices are actually comparable to the bubble mailers you can find on amazon. They also have packs of 25 if you don’t do a lot of shipping! https://www.ecoenclose.com 
you can get a free digital postal scale if you create a shipping account on http://stamps.com  after 30 days! https://www.stamps.com/coupons/show_coupon/scale30/
This company sells organza bags and other jewelry types of jewelry pouches! https://www.nashvillewraps.com 
btw i’ll be adding to this thread but if anyone has recommendations as well, feel free to add!
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