hi guys, I would like to share about my experience when I consulted to a psychologist.
ini keluhan awalnya hehehe
alhamdulillah I'm much better right now since mid Jul 2020 heheh
all I would like to say is... please be aware about your mental health condition. please realize any symptomp of depression.

mental illness is real, as real as climate change..
particularly during this pandemic where....everyone is supposed to be at home, locked up, and do not have enough social interaction which can boost oxytocin and serotonin..
so keep sane ! and seek for a good support system as well as professional help to relieve your depression hehehe

namaste 🙏
daaan lastly, aku minta tolong..dengan sharing info kaya gini dan banyaknya info ttg depresi segala macam

please...jangan pernah meremehkan depresi dan bilang 'anjir gue depresi dah tadi blablablabla'

no. it's not your depression. it's just simply your turbulence personality.
depression need professional assessment and diagnostic.

it is not as simple as flu symptomp where you could simply say that you're infected with flu and simply you can drink meds on your own.

so please do not self-diagnose your depression without even talking to a professional.
this is a strong message from someone with depression guys.
jadi jangan sampe meremehkan depresi, apalagi judging dengan bilang ini itu segala macam yg negatif.

kami tidak butuh itu. kami butuh afirmasi positif. cukup dengarkan dan diam saja sudah cukup sebenarnya.
it is really hard to acknowledge and to accept that you're having mental health issues.. particularly depression.

since....most of Indonesian ppl have negative stigma toward us....
but you have to.... be aware, realize, release.

aware that this is not you. this is your depression. this is the depression monster who take over and consume your mind amd your soul.

so once again, pls keep sane and seek professional help
and I would like to share to as many people as I could

please help me to reach everyone who needs this information ya guys !

thank you
bcs depression is somehow a confidential matters and somehow many ppl discreet about their status.

berasa orientasi seksual aja. padahal y gpp
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