this is why he named the #MorrisonFires Royal Commission “national and natural disaster” and appointed a defence chief instead of a scientist to run it.
I have been banging on about his agenda to seize and centralise executive power over deploying the armed forces “domestically” - to control the citizenry rather than defend the nation from external aggression, its actual job - for some time.
including two days ago when it was clear from reports of witnesses at the Vic inquiry into quarantine that federal officials were jealously guarding information about the power to send in the army.
the “confusion” was created by Morrison and his desire to unilaterally order in the army - to kill media coverage exposing his poor judgement, nasty priorities, and laziness - and his “confusion” that “reserve powers” and “rule of law” exist, that he is not commander-in-chief.
the “natural and national disaster” RC can produce a substantive body of evidence on bush fire management and still be designed by Morrison as a vehicle to expand federal executive power over deploying the armed forces “domestically” - to control the citizenry.
“emergency” is the semiotic segue from external threats (ADF’s actual job) to internal (domestic) “disaster” like floods, where Premiers and Chief Ministers can already request ADF support. So why the change? To militarise the response to anthropogenic (not “natural”) disasters.
I will write a long form explainer on what is in play here later... but. These types of proposals are always developed and reported on the false assumption that deploying the ADF is an ideal solution, and only the chain of command needs sorting.
in reality, the ADF - like armed forces around the world from at least the dawn of imperialism - is a deeply flawed institution, constitutively violent, awash with sexual abusers and structurally abusive practices, racist and sexist and homophobic, secretive and unaccountable.
there is absolutely nothing to say that the armed forces are a better solution than volunteer emergency services, including volunteer fire brigades, like we already have. Even during the Blitz civilian marshals were appointed to manage air raid shelters.
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