my opinion on zodiac signs because i’m bored
- have really strong opinions
-gets angry fast but doesn’t admit it
- scared to open up to people
-changes personality depending on who they’re hanging with
- really reserved at first but once you get to know them really sweet and overall a good person
- really funny
-likes to be alone but also likes when people interact with them
- overthinkers
- they think and feel more than they show
- hides how they really feel until u ask
- always really pretty
- crybabies
- really sensitive
- craves affection and attention from people
- crazy online but in real life quite and reserved
- scared of rejection
- probably had a minecraft or dan and phil phase
- narscistic
- gets mad when the attention isn’t on them
- very opinionated
- very pretty but sometimes it gets to your head
- likes to one up people but don’t notice it
- probably has a wierd addiction to something to cope with the fact that they’re lonely
- very funny and pretty
- fixtates on something to cope with being sad
- very loud on their opinions
- tries to act tough because they’re afraid to let their guard down and get hurt
- feels lonely
- cries a lot but doesn’t like to show their feelings
- stubborn
- probably has both mommy and daddy isssues (me)
- feels like they’re the worst person ever so they always try to put on a persona that they’re the best
- very pretty and funny
- find a scorpio friend
- scared to open up to people
- feels like every1 hatesthem
- sweetest people ever
- hard to interpret
- very emotional and sensitive
- doesn’t know how to show affection well
- scared that everyone hates them
- it’s okay to open up to people
-overthinking everything which leads to them distancing themselves
- likes to be at the center of attention
- really mean but thinks it’s just them being honest
- has a personality crisis so they like to take traits from other people
- acts rude/mean to cover up their sensitive/loving side
- y’all are just ... GET HELP PLEASE
- gay
- very passionate about certain things
- care’s more for their friends and people around them
- the opposite of selfish
- doesn’t like to show their true feelings because they don’t want people to worry
- probably quiet but around close people really funny and loud
- marry me i will give you money and wash your feet
-probably the best sign
- care’s so much for their friends it’s insane
- very passionate
- hides their worries and puts friends above their own self
-really cute
- clingy and affectionate
- misunderstood and everyone hates u just because everyone goes on the bandwagon hate
- really funny
- probably lonley and sad and use humor to cope with that
- mysterious and hides their emotions
- care’s for their friends
- likes to waste money
- in lovewiththemself
- super pretty and very funny
-very straightforward and makes people dislike them
- will always suppprt you no matter what
- gay
- hates selfish and stubborn people
- afraid of commitment
- taken advantage of because how forgiving and kind they are
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